If you order this package we will contact you to discuss your requirements/sizes etc.
Huge savings to be made by ordering one of our kilt packages.
This 11 piece Deluxe Kilt Package includes:
- Jacket with vest (Prince Charlie or Argyll)
- Deluxe Kilt (see our Deluxe section for available tartans or table below)
- Matching tartan fly plaid
- Brooch for fly plaid.
- Tie (either black bow tie or matching tartan neck tie)
- Matching tartan sock flashes
- Sporran (see our sporran section for options)
- Harris Socks (Black or Cream)
- Sgian dubh
- Kilt pin (See our pin section for options)
Your order will be shipped within 4-6 weeks (depending on how full our production queue is at the time of your order being received). Please allow up to 10 weeks if possible though to cover for any potential unforeseen delays which there rarely are but can happen.
Tartans available for this package are:
Abercrombie | Anderson Ancient | Anderson Modern |
Armstrong | Baird Ancient | Black Isle |
Black Watch Dress | Black Watch | Black Watch Weathered |
Boyd | Brown Watch | Bruce Red |
Buchanan Hunting | Buchanan Modern | Buchanan Muted |
Burnett | Burns | Caledonia Ancient |
Cameron of Erracht | Cameron Red | Campbell of Argyle Ancient |
Clark Ancient | Colquhoun Ancient | Crawford |
Davidson | Douglas Modern | Dundee Ancient |
Farquharson | Ferguson Ancient | Ferguson Modern |
Firefighter | Forbes Modern | Fraser Red Modern |
Fraser Weathered | Gordon Dress | Gordon Modern |
Graham Ancient | Graham Modern | Great Scot |
Grey Spirit | Gunn Ancient | Gunn Modern |
Hamilton Grey | Hamilton Red | Henderson Ancient |
Henderson Modern | Highlander Grey | Irish Green |
Irvine Ancient | Irvine Modern | Johnstone |
Kennedy Modern | Kennedy Weathered | Lamont Ancient |
Leslie Green | LGBTQ / Pride | Lindsay |
MacAlister Modern | MacArthur Modern | MacCallum |
MacDonald Ancient | MacDonald Dress | MacDonald Modern |
MacDonald of Clanranald | MacDuff | MacFarlane Hunting Ancient |
MacFarlane Red | MacGregor | MacIntosh Hunting Ancient |
MacIntosh | MacKay Ancient | MacKay Modern |
MacKenzie Ancient | MacKenzie Modern | MacKenzie Weathered |
MacLaren | MacLean Hunting | MacLean of Duart |
MacLeod of Harris | MacLeod of Lewis | MacMillan Modern |
MacNab | MacNeil Ancient | MacNeil Modern |
MacPherson Hunting | MacPerson of Cluny | MacQueen |
Maple Leaf | Masonic | Maxwell |
Michigan State | Moffat | Morrison Green |
Murray of Atholl | New World Celtic | Pride of Scotland |
Ramsay Blue | Robertson Hunting | Robertson Red |
Ross Hunting | Royal Stewart | Saffron |
Scott Brown | Scottish National | Scottish National Weathered |
Sinclair Hunting | Smith Modern | Solid Black |
Solid Green | Spirit of Bruce | Spirit of Scotland |
St Patrick | Stewart Black | Stewart Dress |
Stewart Hunting | Sutherland | Tara |
Thomson Blue | Thomson Camel | Urquhart |
US Air Force | US Army | US Coast Guard |
US Law Enforcement | US Navy | USMC Leatherneck |
Wallace Hunting | Wallace Modern |